PROTO.LIFE, “Can We Learn To Embrace Robotic Caregivers?”, quoted expert, June 15, 2023.
PRINT, “The Daily Heller: Carla Diana Peeks into AI and Pandora’s Box”, interview, April 14, 2023.
COSMOS MAGAZINE, “Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto: Gendering robots is a cognitive shortcut that can lead to short circuits”, quoted expert, August 26, 2022
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, “Minds of Their Own”, about My Robot Gets Me book, May/June 2021, Page 10.
ENGINEERING.COM TV, Decoding the Design, Episode 1, “How to Socially Design Humanized Robots”, April 2, 2021.
IRISH TECH NEWS, “My Robot Gets Me, Reviewed”, March 23, 2021.
DESIGN OBSERVER, “Carla Diana, Mother of Robots” Interview, January 20, 2021
CORE77 INDUSTRIAL DESIGN SUPERSITE feature article, “Carla Diana on Embracing the Challenge of Creating a World for Both Humans and Robots”, March 22, 2019
PRINT MAGAZINE, online, “Carla Diana Launches 4D Design At Cranbrook” by Steven Heller, November 16, 2018
BBC NEWS, article and video, “Meet Moxi, the hospital robot helping nurses” October 4, 2018
IEEE SPECTRUM MAGAZINE, “Moxi Prototype from Diligent Robotics Starts Helping Out in Hospitals”, Sept. 18, 2018
IEEE SPECTRUM MAGAZINE, “Diligent Robotics Bringing Autonomous Mobile Manipulation to Hospitals”, Poli robot design featured, January 30, 2018
FORTUNE, “Robots and Voice Interfaces Making the Smart Home Chaotic”, quoted, February 26, 2016
DEZEEN MAGAZINE, “Back to the Future ‘brought the future closer”, quoted, October 21, 2015
POPULAR SCIENCE, Simon robot featured on cover and in article, “Will Your Next Best Friend Be a Robot?”, November 2014
WIRED.COM, “A Kids’ Book Where Every Character Can Be 3-D Printed”, December 31, 2013
FAST COMPANY CO. DESIGN, “A Children’s Book That Is ‘The Little Prince’ of 3-D Printing”, January 14, 2014
THE TELEGRAPH . CO.UK, “C.E.S. 2014: The top 12 best gadgets of CES 2014: #6 LEO the Maker Prince children’s book”, January 2014
PRINT MAGAZINE, online, “Carla Diana Launches 4D Design At Cranbrook” by Steven Heller, November 16, 2018
BBC NEWS, article and video, “Meet Moxi, the hospital robot helping nurses” October 4, 2018
IEEE SPECTRUM MAGAZINE, “Moxi Prototype from Diligent Robotics Starts Helping Out in Hospitals”, Sept. 18, 2018
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